Sonali Bank Officer Question Solution 2018-2

Academic Level :

Course Name : Bank Job

1 :

if w is 10% less than x and y is 30% less than z , then wy is what persent less than xz ?

2 :

if x is an integer and y=-2x-8 what is the least value of x for which y is less than 9

3 :

the next number in the sequence 3,6 ,11,18,27….

4 :

if x:y=5;3, then(8x-5y):(8x=5y)=?

5 :

the sum of the first 17 terms of the series 5,9,13,17…

6 :

a lame duck organization is one which needs

7 :

the concluding part of a literary work is called

8 :

He is such a good means

9 :

choose the the word closest to the meaning of the underlined word:the patient need an anoodyne for his straind nerves

10 :

select the pair from the following option which is set in opposition